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We make government access easier.

Who we are

We are a services consulting firm that provides content, usability, and software development services to government agencies and private sector organizations. Our goal is to make a lasting impact on how technology in government, health care, and other critical service areas can better serve the American people.

What we do
View our work

What we do

We listen. We learn. We build. We keep looking for ways to make digital experiences better for the people who rely on them to access the benefits and services they need.

We work with many partners across government—like the Department of Veterans Affairs, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Air Force, and National Security Innovation Network. We also work with private sector companies and nonprofit organizations where our user-centered approach can help to improve customer experiences.

Content strategy | Copy editing | Plain language editing |

Content management | QA

Team with us


As charter members of the Digital Services Coalition, we're always interested in connecting with other companies focused on our common goal of digital transformation in government. So we can find ways to build better products, together.

Want to talk about teaming to make government better for everyone?


Send us an email at



As a growing and dynamic company, we're always looking to connect with skilled and passionate design and usability researchers, writers, strategists, developers, and other service design experts.

Want to work with us on projects that make a difference in people's lives?

Check out our current job opportunities.

Learn more about what it's like to work at The So Company

Or send us an email at

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business logo
Small Business Administration 8(a) certified logo
Digital Services Coalition member logo
New York State Certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business logo
  • LinkedIn: The So Company

New York | Los Angeles | Washington, D.C. 

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